Web specialized in topics related to Insurance, Lawyers and CRM Software


THE LAWYER, is a professional who interprets legal rules in order to provide advice and assistance to his clients (citizens, companies, institutions and organizations). His activity can be both judicial (defense and pleading before a judge or arbitrator) and extrajudicial (assistance, advice, preparation of expert opinions, drafting contracts.

Lawyers can also represent interests and work on behalf of public bodies and authorities.

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The concept of insurance is based on the sophisticated and elementary idea of dealing with the uncertainty of the future, protecting against even remote but still foreseeable risks, and distributing the costs among subjects with the same needs.

This idea accompanied the emergence of market economies and has contributed mightily to the development of modern societies, facilitating free enterprise and individual progress, and enabling people to build a more tranquil future by planning their personal choices.

The resulting insurance industry is based on a few key principles:

  • The need to ensure economic stability in the future and to maintain security.
  • The principle of solidarity between homogeneous groups exposed to the same risk situation.
  • the relationship of trust between the insured and the insurer, based on transparency.
  • the inversion of the economic cycle, according to which a benefit is first paid (which is called a premium) and then, when the insured event occurs, the insurer is obliged to reimburse the losses covered by the contract.

The insurance contract comes in many varieties: The following sections briefly illustrate the main categories. They are widely used internationally because insurance satisfies universal and primary needs such as security and protection.

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CRM Software


CRM software collects, stores and archives customer data. A CRM tool simplifies and optimizes customer relationship management, lead and prospect management, and marketing activities for large and small companies.

What is CRM software?

A true marketing tool, CRM software provides comprehensive dashboards to easily monitor sales performance and simplifies contact and customer management. CRM software stores information.

Often, with your CRM software you have a real-time mobile application, very handy for inserting new contacts at a trade show or meeting. The information is stored in the cloud, allowing you to easily access it from any device.

CRM is undoubtedly the No. 1 business software for companies looking to get a sales productivity tool in 2023

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