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CRM for insurance and insurers


This article has been written by Tomi

Companies in the insurance sector today have great competition because banks have entered the sector and there are numerous online insurance comparison platforms , so the top priority for insurers is to attract customers . For this, it is essential that they have a good business plan and customer service, which they manage to build loyalty and thus be able to solve problems efficiently. It is very important that these types of companies have a CRM for insurance .   

How does a CRM for insurance work?

When a client wants to request an insurance policy, thanks to the CRM we can record all the data and qualify their needs to complete the sale according to what they are asking for.

Thanks to the CRM for insurance we can track policies. By managing customer data we will be able to know what type of policy they have, the payment status and if there is a possibility of changing the policy.

Once we have a series of clients with their corresponding policies in our CRM for insurance , we will obtain a wide source of information on sales and policies that we can use to attract new clients.

With the CRM for insurance we will also manage insurance brokers and agents and we will be able to know and evaluate insurance sales by employees and follow up on potential customers .

A CRM for insurance is also a great opportunity in the face of competitiveness, because by analyzing the factors of the competition we can offer a better service that increases our sales and retains new customers by offering a service suited to their needs.

What keys should an insurance CRM have?

  1. Discover  new  business opportunities.
  2. It is essential to know the client's information , centralize it and center the organization around the client.
  3. See all the activities that insurance agents or brokers carry out around the client.
  4. Optimize the activities  of sellers.
  5. Forecast all  trade movements.
  6. Design customizable marketing campaigns  .
  7. Customer segmentation  .
  8. Handle complaints and claims.


The importance of Social CRM in the insurance sector

As mentioned above, insurance companies have a lot of competition behind them, so they must focus primarily on the customer. To create new conversations and interactions with them, it is essential that appointments or sales are made by phone, presence in social networks or that marketing strategies are defined.

In this way, they will be able to complete, in their CRM , the information of the clients and get some new ones (discover how to prospect new clients ), as well as to know the competition that is present in the networks.

In addition, the company will be able to change its reputation thanks to the opinions and comments of customers and have a greater impact on the networks.

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Advantages of secure crm

As has already been seen in another article , a CRM for hotels , restaurants or SMEs , a CRM brings numerous advantages and benefits. In the case of insurers they are:

  1. Improvement of the qual
  2. ity of service  and customer service , essential due to the competition in the sector.
  3. Know and group  customer information.
  4. Effectively manage all  customer policies and generate new sales opportunities.
  5. Analysis of campaigns  carried out.

Efficy has  webinars  for insurance advice, so you can effectively manage our CRM. What are you waiting for to improve your business?


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